Eric Grynaviski

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

George Washington University
Department of Political Science
21115 G. St. NW, 440 Monroe Hall
Washington, DC 20052

ericgryn [at]

Home CV Research Teaching Non-State Allies


Forthcoming. America's Middlemen: Power at the Edge of Empire. Cambridge University Press.

2014. Constructive Illusions: Misperceiving the Origins of International Cooperation. Cornell University Press.

        Reviewed in Foreign Affairs (capsule), Perspectives on Politics, and the subject of a Roundtable in H-Diplo.

        Winner of APSA's 2015 Jervis-Schroeder Award for Best Book in International History and Politics

Peer Reviewed Papers

Forthcoming. "Reciprocity, Hierarchy, and Obligation: From Kula to Potlach." With John G. Oates. Journal of International Political Theory. (Special Issue)

2016. "Intending War Rightly: Right intentions, public intentions, and consent." Review of International Studies. 42 (4), 634-653.

2015. “Hierarchy and Judicial Institutions: Arbitration and Ideology in the Hellenistic World.” With Amy Hsieh. International Organization. 69 (3), 697-729.

2015. “Brokering Cooperation: Intermediaries to US Non-State Allies, 1776-1945.” European Journal of International Relations. 21(3), 691-717.

2013. “Causes, Contrasts, and Counterfactuals.”European Journal of International Relations. 19 (4), 823-846.

2013. “The Bloodstained Spear: Public Reason and Declarations of War.” International Theory, 5 (2). 238-272.

2010. “Necessary Illusions: Misperception, Cooperation, and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.” Security Studies, 19 (3), 376-406.


2016. “Uncommon Effects and Uncommon Causes.” International Studies Review.  18(2). 409-411. [Review of Lebow’s Constructing Cause in International Relations.]

2016   “Thinking Holistically about Transparency.” International History and Politics Newsletter. 1 (2), 7-9.

2015.  Review of Brian C. Rathbun’s Diplomacy’s Value. In Perspectives on Politics.13 (3), 920-922.

2010. “Do Our Philosophical Commitments Matter?” Qualitative & Multi-Method Research. 8: 4-9.

[Review of Patrick Thaddeus Jackson’s The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations.]

Works in Progress

Theories of Cooperation

 “A Perfect Theory for Bananafish: Reevaluating the Role of Intersubjectivity in International Politics.”

“The Problem of Social Integration in International Relations Theory.”

“Amity Lines and Escalation Ladders: Schmitt and Schelling on Deliberation and the Expansion of War.” [With Austin Carson]

 Ethics and International Relations

 “Politics for the People: A Progressive-Era View of Policy Relevance.”

 Qualitative Methods and Philosophy of Science

 “A Distributed Cognition Approach to Case Selection.”